
Living in this time and society is probably more demanding than ever before.
There is an enormous amount of stimuli and input and barely any real relaxation anymore to process and reflect on all of them (and with real relaxation I mean without screens or activity). The options and possibilities of these times are countless and mainly overwhelming. The expectations that accompany them are also mostly sky high. Combined with the ratio and thinking that is the standard in our society and leaves less room for and even overrules our intuition and what we actually feel, there is the perfect recipe to lose track and direction in your life.
That people lose balance, overview and the direction that fits them in life, also shows itself in the stress and burn-out statistics nowadays, where the percentages are higher than ever before. How many people do you know that are continuously in an ‘on’-modus? Feel that they are following life instead of leading it? Feel overloaded and overstimulated? And maybe you are one of them?
A coach helps you to determine your direction again and refind your balance.
What can I do for you?

As a coach I guide you to find where you lost your direction and balance. In that process I mainly reconnect you with your own wisdom. What your own intuition and feelings tell you. Something that we often have a hard time accessing nowadays. It is also something that is often hidden under or obscured by our ‘personal emotional luggage’ and beliefs that we took on in our life.
By pointing the focus in the right direction, the flow in your life will return. Because everybody is different, I work with what you specifically need and not with set and rigid methods and protocols. My approach is holistic and therefore not focused on just one topic like work or relationships. Often that is just where the underlying problem surfaces. At my website you can find more info about what I offer and book a one-on-one session with me.
How does it work?
The most important thing with finding the right coach for you, is that you feel safe and understood and that the approach suits you. My approach is focused, concrete and to-the-point and also I am not the best coach for everybody. Are you curious if we are a match there? On my website you will get an idea about how I work and can you read how other people experienced my coachings in the testimonials.

Does my approach suit you and do you feel I can help you with where you run in to in your life? Take a peek at my offer and send me a mail to make an appointment!
Why can I help you?
I am not your average coach and also walked a different path than most coaches to become one. My approach is unique and is not based on one method or education. A lot of my knowledge and skills have its basis in the many years I worked as a physiotherapist. Spending twenty years, five days a week, and daily with on average fifteen different people half hour sessions one-one-one, you get a vast amount of knowledge about how people function and start to discover patterns in the things where people run into.
Also I learned a lot about how the mind works and where the pitfalls are in the years I spend in Buddhism, thee thousands of hours I spend meditating and the many courses and trajectories I made regarding personal development. Last but not least I learned a lot about people and different cultures during the many travels I made and the volunteer projects I worked in, internationally but also in the Netherlands like the years I worked in a hospice.
All of that still doesn’t make you a coach. In my training with Eva Divya I learned how to translate all of this to coaching and how to really ‘read between the lines’ to get to the core of things. Through the years that lead in a very natural way to me starting to coach more and more people and finally starting my own practice. On the My Story page on my website, you can find more about my path and the experiences of the people that worked with me. Below already a few of these.