
Over the last years meditation gained popularity quickly in the Western world. There is probably not a more effective way to come to relaxation and mental balance. An Asian master once said though; ‘Using meditation just to relax the mind, is like using a diamond to stabilise an uneven leg of a table’.
Meditation trains the mind and has a wide range of positive effects, physically as well as mentally. It leads to a better functioning of the immune system and decreases the aging process of the brain and other body cells and brings and increases concentration, clarity, creativity, productivity and personal growth. This all is not only seen in the century long experiences in daily life, also modern research supports that these and other positive effects occur by meditating. Effects that, like changes in the functioning and actual structure of the brain, can be seen after a few weeks of meditation already.
It is for that reason that Apple, Google and Twitter have meditation trainers in their company for their employees. Especially because nowadays mental problems are responsible for a bigger part of sick leave and inability to work, than physical problems and the demand for mental achievements is probably higher than ever before. That it doesn’t make you soft but sharper and more productive, is shown by people like Steve Jobs, who meditated daily.
Also top athletes like Novak Djokovic and elite units of the (among others American) army have meditation as an important part of their training regime because it increases the performance under pressure. Next to that it is widely prescribed doctors nowadays, mostly under the name mindfulness.
Why I love to help you!
Also I know how it is to be stuck and losing the mental calm, balance and overview. Been there, done that and it still happens to me every now and then. But a lot less and a I recover a lot quicker.
From my early years on I was intrigues by those buddhist monks that radiated such peace and balance behind that light smil and soft eyes. What did they know that I didn’t? In Nepal I found out.
I learned what buddhism is about and which tools they use and that meditation is the central one. It is here where my meditation journey started in 2010 and I started to get access to that serene mental calmness and balance. It brought me even more than that. It gave me clarity and access to myself. Who I am. How I function, my system and mind. To what I actually want and my inner drives and real deeper desires. Clarity about what it is what I want and where I only follow the story of the world around me and others and especially the culture, society and commerce through commercials and they tell me what I should want and strive for.
Now, after thousands of hours of mediation, a book, many podcast episodes since 2019 and having given hundreds classes, workshops and retreats, I help myself and mainly also others to every time again getting a step further on the path of ultimate selfcontrol and selfrealisation.
There is no such thing like a university or quality mark for meditation trainers (yet). To my opinion the qualifications are met by amount of actual meditation experience and having didactical skills to bring that across. On my website you will find a complete blogpost about where to look for if you choose a meditation trainer.
What I can bring to the table as a trainer is a lot of experience in my own practice and a lot of studying through books and (scientific) articles, attended courses in many different techniques and methods of meditation and doing several retreats.
But above all I am very enthusiastic about meditation and what it can do and love to share what I learned and experienced myself of my teachers and own practice. Something I already was able to share with hundreds of people in my classes, workshops, courses and retreats and I don’t know how many more through my book and podcast. Do you want to know how others experienced this? Below you will find some of the many testimonials of the people that attended my meditation training and you can find many more on my website.
What can I do for you?

With my company Meditatie.Amsterdam I arrange meditation training for individuals and groups, also within companies. This can be workshops, courses, weekly meditation sessions and retreats. Also I am author of the book ‘Meditation, your daily mini holiday’ (only available in Dutch) and have my own podcast about meditation (with also English episodes).
My approach is concrete, down-to-earth and to-the-point. I use practical and accessible methods that are fully aligned with the modern person and corporate world. All my trainings are thereby accessible for beginners as well as more experienced meditators. Only people that suffer from mental diseases like psychosis, bipolar disease or schizophrenia, my trainings are not suitable and them I recommend a more specialised meditation offer.
How does it work?
If you want to learn how to meditate, it is important to find a form that suits you. Meditation is just like physical sports, there are a lot of different ways and methods out there. My approach is contemporary and resonates for a wide audience, although it won’t be a 100% match for everybody. Do you want to find out what I do? Go to my website and experience if my method of meditation suits you. You will find there a lot of information, blogs, a podcast and free meditation audios. Also you can of course visit a training, which I give every week.
If my approach suits you, take a look at the training I offer and send me an email where I can help you.